But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,作传道的工夫,尽你的职分。
Ah well, life is full of snares and pitfalls and no one is proof against them all. 算了吧,生活布满了诱惑和风险,没有人能挡得住的。
I submit that full proof should be required. The jury be convince by the weight of the evidence against her 陪审团认为指控她有罪的证据很充分
I have full proof that we were repaying loans that were maturing 20 to 40 days later. 我有充分证据证明,我们提前20至40天偿还了贷款。
Testing ICC in such conditions as idle, full frequency idle, clock stopping, conducting proof tests on the cos safety measures preventing the codes from being read out. 在空闲、全频率空闲、时钟停等状态下,对icc进行测试,对cos的防代码读出的安全措施进行验证测试。
They gave full proof of the fact. 他们对事实予以充分的证明。
And similarly, Mind on its part is not merely a world beyond Nature and nothing more: it is really, and with full proof, seen to be mind, only when it involves Nature as absorbed in itself. 同样,精神也并不仅是一超出自然的抽象之物,反之,精神唯有扬弃并包括自然,方可成为真正的精神,方可证实其为精神。
Promoters and arrangers of reverse mergers say short-sellers are making huge profits by releasing defamatory reports full of innuendo but little hard proof to back up their assertions of fraud. 反向收购的推销人和安排人称,做空者通过发布含沙射影、但对欺诈指控很少提出确凿证据的诽谤性报告,正在赚取巨额收益。
Practice was full proof that, by means of establishing micro tension controlling program in within middle rolling mill group, the some problems that have arisen in production line of bar could be nicely solved. 实践证明,在中轧机组增设微张力控制环节能够有效的解决现场出现的问题。
Yet there were full proof of his being an outstanding editor in ancient China for his editorial accomplishments, contributions to editing and influence of his editorial work on society. 从编辑素养、对编辑工作的贡献和编辑作品对社会的影响等方面来看,司马光是我国历史上一位杰出的编辑家。
Three optimizing techniques, including full enclosed smelting& pouring integrated method, ignition proof by magnesium alloying technology and semi-solid forming technology, are discussed. 讨论了全封闭式熔化及浇注集成化方法、合金化阻燃技术和半固态成形技术等三种工艺优化方法。
Practice was full proof that, the design of general layout was successful. 实践证明,总图的设计是成功的。
The author reckoned that in order to keep the sustainable development of the celebrities 'former residences, the first and the very important step is to give the special resources a reasonable evaluation, and have a full realization of their value for providing the a theoretical proof. 笔者认为要实现名人故居旅游资源的可持续发展,首先就是要对名人故居旅游资源进行合理地评价,充分认识其资源价值,为故居的保护开发提供理论依据。
In addition, full consideration shall be given to the possibly diverse styles of writing habits in the inspection project. Only when adequate explanation is given to the proof of confirming or rejecting diversity, can scientific, reasonable and convincing inspection conclusion be reached finally. 并且在鉴定的工程中应充分考虑到书写习惯类型多样性的可能,对多样性的确认和排除依据做出充分的说明,才能科学合理、令人信服的得出鉴定意见。
In order to make full proof of the favorable economic impact on Jinjiang city Fujian Xun Xing Basketball Club cause, the study uses economical input-output analysis. 为了充分论证福建浔兴篮球俱乐部对晋江市在经济方面的有利影响,本研究使用了经济学中的投入产出分析法。
Through the above measures to provide the full and more specific explanation and proof about the river in the vegetation ecological landscape restorative planning under the perspective of "nature and humanism". 从而对自然人本下的河流植被生态景观恢复性规划进行充实和较为具体的解释及证明。
System performance tests full proof that the localization strategy has low hardware requirement and good localization accuracy. 系统性能测试表明,该定位策略对硬件要求低、可实用性强,较好的满足了系统需求。
Full text structure is as follows: In the introduction section, the author introduced the environmental litigation of burden of proof distribution system of the research status and significance, and puts forward the ideas and research methods. 全文结构如下:在绪论部分,笔者简单介绍了环境诉讼证明责任分配制度的的研究现状以及研究意义,并提出了本文的研究思路和研究方法,以及本文的创新性探索。
Historical experience full proof: no culture accumulation and sublimation, a country the development of social economy is unsustainable development. 历史的经验充分证明:没有文化积淀和升华,一个国家社会经济的发展是不可持续的发展。